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Re: What the hell are you talking about? -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
San ®

10/01/2004, 17:22:43
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I commend all the warriors of truth and light who are doing battle with darkness and ignorance over at Wikipedia.  God bless you all.

I strongly recommend that those who are deep in the battle draw strength from something that is closer to you than your hands and feet, namely your own lives and experiences.  Lay some of that on those folks over there from first-hand, eyewitness accounts, I say.  That is the strongest weapon in your arsenal and the only thing you are really an expert on, and that is your own experience.

Let Susan at those guys, or if she doesn't feel like going through it all over again, then somebody compile all the posts and letters from her and others who were directly affected by Prem Rawat's attitudes, actions and assistants and stuff that in their pipes to smoke.

Jim, have you told them about your friend who offed himself?  Do it.

Anyone else who has a serious bone to pick, take it to Wikipedia and pick it there.

Maybe they will get it and cut through all the intellectual bullshit and realize this is real flesh and blood reality.

Now am I missing anything?       

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