Must be a language problem, Andries. Please clarify.
Re: Re: OT propaganda by small, unknown cults is a serious problem on Wikipedia. -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

09/27/2004, 17:34:53
Author Profile

Alert Moderators

This needs clearing up. Our native language differences might be the problem, but clarity can (hopefully) be achieved.

Honestly, I'm not trying to make things difficult, I just need to know what you mean.

You say:
"It is rare that there is so much and so persistent opposition to include negative statements about a religious group"

Sorry, but I really don't understand what you're saying, though it might be perfectly clear to you when translated from your native language. Dutch, yes?

Those "negative statements" - is that meant to mean exes? And what does the "religious group" category have to do with EV, who have publicly stated that they and the "knowledge" have nothing to do with religious or spiritual belief?

Please say who and what you're referring to.

Modified by cq at Mon, Sep 27, 2004, 17:36:27

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