So how comes it that a teacher who originally taught such imaginative stuff originally can cause this sort of potential reaction in listeners nowadays through such apparent idiotic banalities?
I only recall one or two occasions when what he said from the stage resonated,most of the time it was a struggle to absorb the detail of what he was saying, though the sense was always are nothing without me. The imaginative stuff came from premies in satsang, which very conveniently he now says he's moved away from, & never had anything to do with in the 1st place.
What underpins his fraud & is the base of this whole trip,is the meditation.Convince gullible & uninformed people that concentrating on an automatic bodily function is feeling God within, & once they've bought that you can do pretty much what you like, when you claim to be the only legitimate source of the 'experience'.
In answer to how many premies of post 80s days see Prem as the originator of this love, I would say far far less than we of the 70s did. They saw/see him as a wonderful catalyst of this, but not its originator.
You could well be right. That makes me even more pissed off. This trickster & his acolytes stole my youth, & then when he 'd made his pile,he turns down the volume.
Btw.........'this love', doesn't exist. Love does of course, but not 'this love'.