Re: Watching wikipedia CESNUR
Re: Watching wikipedia -- toby Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Andries ®

09/21/2004, 15:03:52
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I do not think that CESNUR are mere cult defenders.

Here is what an article by Wim Haan in 1981 from a CESNUR affiliated scholary book series said about Guru Maharaji.

"As soon as somebody really wants Knowledge, he will receive it", it is said. But this is on the condition that the mind is set aside. As long as the mind rules supreme there will be always "concepts" that try to take away the desire for Knowledge. The premie community defines the word "mind" as being conditioned i.e. all influences that make man wander away from his true nature.Sometimes the battle against this word degenerates in complete irrationality. Every criticism and objective approach is then branded as "mind". If somebody feels bad or did not have good experiences for a long time during meditation, then the person is "in his mind". Discussions with outsiders are often avoided, because they could possibly stimulate the mind"


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