It's a bad habit...........!
Re: Why does M not retire with all his wealth. -- NikW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

09/20/2004, 05:07:17
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I speculate that a part of him bought into the whole deal ( that "his Guru Maharaj Ji " was God) just like we once did. It's hard for me to find my way back to wholeness and sanity... how much harder for him ? The Bob Mischler Interview ( as ever ) is very informative in respect of Rawat's state of mind as a teenager and his motivation. The last part of the interview until the end entitled ,in the EPO files, " Maharaji cries on Bob's shoulder...".( see link below ).

Of course now, I suppose, in the words of Shakespeare ( Macbeth  Act iii sc iv) - "returning  were as tedious as go o'er  "  not to mention good old habit ( he's used to doing that job !...) 


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Modified by Lexy at Mon, Sep 20, 2004, 06:04:16

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