Why does M not retire with all his wealth.
Posted by:
NikW ®

09/19/2004, 06:27:37
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This question was asked in a thread below.

The truth is that although there are many 'assets' Rawat is in need of a constant cash flow to keep him in the style to which he has become accustomed. His own (misplaced) belief that he is some kind of investment genius has seen numerous failed projects - not the least Tierra del Amore and Amaroo which have eaten up millions between them and are probably never going to be realisable.

Apart from his own high maintenance lifestyle, Rawat has his kids, Raja Ji and a host of other blood suckers to keep well fed and entertained. If he could live without the entourage and someone would give ahim a $5 million a year  stipend to stay out of the way he probably would retire but how could he live without his GSV - which alone cost $3.5 million in leasing charges and running costs ?

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