Hi DK,
"The history has seen many leaders who at their times are criticised by some people are later remebered for their good deeds. Take the well known example of jesus. he was hanged to cross, to death. But people those who could not beleive , criticised that one way or other."
This attempt to present M. as a new martyr is very funny DK. Jesus had been crusified by the political and religious authorities not by his ex-followers! Do you see anywhere any state or church percecute M. (I talk about M. not cults in general but M!)? On the contrary! I 'd say that the States offer a very nice business environment for his enterprises, his ex-followers feel bounded to take legal actions against him because the legislation protects him even if he once claimed to be God and that he asked for devotion, then he said ok... maybe I am not! If you say you are just a simple doctor and get a donation after a treatment you go to jail, if you say you are a God it's ok, you were just young...
Please don't use such stupid parallelisms, if you accept them no problem but don't underestimate our intelligence. We still believe that mind is not evil and try to use it the best way we can even if sometimes it may be wrong!
I am sorry for being harsh but please wait until M.'s crucifixion and then say whatever you want!
Best regards,