New users sometimes use the registration page to tell their story. DK is a premie who doesn't believe the allegations against Rawat. Here is his story:-I have been with maharaji for last 20 years and never found any of the accuses which are true , like drinking, smoking, or any affair or any thing else. And if this all was true why not any of them has come with real proof. What i think that some people are jealous about his success and dont find themself able to be that much succesful are trying to convince themself. This is not about only maharaj, The history has seen many leaders who at their times are criticised by some people are later remebered for their good deeds. Take the well known example of jesus. he was hanged to cross, to death. But people those who could not beleive , criticised that one way or other. If the people think that maharaji is spreading the holy family concept, why not maharaji has put his family in front of people to be devootee too. If people think that maharaji has got a profession, to make good amout of money, why not he has put his own family in this profession. What i personnaly feel, that maharaji is a man of strong determenation, character, and the determination he had taken many years back " he shall spread this knowledge to the world", he is still following. He has provided a cohesive force in the people, he has made people to see the life , beyond the parameters with which we see the life. And what else if he had done it for money, why he is still doing it, when he has already got enough money as per the people are describing. What dreams are still left, what things are still left for which he needs money?? To buy all the luxary what we are not able to achieve. I think he already has gone through rough and luxary times and dont need more money for himself , but for the cause, for the promise he had in his life many many years ago. A sincere request "judge yourself, before you belive" dk
It's good to see the premie mind at work rationalising.
DK, many people have testified to Maharaji drinking heavily. It is not in doubt.
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