Re: Morphing to a Motivational Speaker
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Posted by:
so hum ®

09/18/2004, 08:47:15
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I have an audio of Prem Rawat where he states: “How do I explain all that to you, I can’t. I am glad that there is knowledge because otherwise without knowledge all this would be just empty…..garbage. Do you know how many people there are out there called inspirational speakers? (audience chuckles) I cringe at the thought (audience laughs). I cringe at the thought to be even remotely identified as a (sic) inspirational speaker (audience claps). So I am so glad there is knowledge….because this is not about inspiration, this is about…..put it where it is. Feel it. And agree with me not because I am asking you to agree with me but agree with me because you have felt the same, you know. And that’s the difference, that’s knowledge.”

He seems to lose himself when he says “…this is about…..put it where it is.” What the hell does that mean? Anyroad. I am looking for someone that can post this audio version. I have it on cd with no ‘knowledge’ of how to make it available as a .wav or mp3, I am unable to…..'put it where it is'. Would appreciate some help.

I think this thread is the appropriate place for the audio version, to hear it directly from the "horse’s arse", to put it where it is, to feel it and to agree with it not because he tells you so but because he truly is a "horses' arse". Any techno advise would be appreciated. Cheers.

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