Hi Max
Re: Hi again -- max Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

09/18/2004, 07:37:17
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Now I am facing my “ground zero”, trying to put some order in all those lost years, still amazed how 3 decades were reduced to one lucid moment. I still don’t know what comes after.

I know exactly what you mean, that is precisely how I felt and the question I had when I first realised Maharaji was not the Lord, in late 2000 and early 2001 (I first posted here in Jan 2001).

I’ve been around since the seventies, did the regular itinerary: ashram member, community servant, money giver, Amaroo traveler, darshan lover, sat & sang listener, and the rest of the show.

Yep, me too - all of the above. I write a little about my own exit on my web site www.MikeFinch.com, and how I answered my own 'what now?' question.

Obviously no one can (or should) answer the 'what now?' question for you other than yourself, but I can only encourage you by saying that I have found it a good question to consider; and that now, 3½ years after I first posed it to myself, life has never been better, although it took somewhat of a struggle to get from there to here.

Take care, best wishes.

-- Mike

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  • Re: Hi Max --- max ( Sat, Sep 18, 2004, 08:27:07 ) ( 114 bytes )