Re: hi
Re: hi -- max Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
montaver1 ®

09/17/2004, 10:20:04
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Hi, and welcome. Took me 31 years to wake up and smell the coffee. Close to M or in EV the journey of trust was the same, and the hurt is possibly the same when we move on.
Good people here on this forum, I have had no pressure, yet many know I have a tale to tell. I appreciate that no one asks for more from me. I would still comprimise my work and family to dislose things I know, so I read the forum when I feel stupid or sad or just to know I am not alone, as refilling my life with wondrous things I looked down on (being a premie made me very arrogant) has taken 2 years and still I go up and down, with the ups getting longer.
Take it easy and be kind to yourself,you are brave to step out, easier to stay in the cult and be blinkered. Great move, hard to believe all my "supposed freinds are still there" although they dont talk to me as I am no longer in the position I was, so am not useful to them.
enjoy yourself, and hi to everyone who knows me.I am doing fine.

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