Re: hi
Re: hi -- max Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

09/17/2004, 08:18:01
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I understand exactly how you feel because the reality of the situation is that the 'just walk' advice, in common with everything else about this trip, is hollow. After a lifetime of belief many people find it neccessary to make a public statement which will sever them from Rawat's influence over their psyche forever. I know that was my motive for posting here now it's become more of a habit, cos I don't watch tv much, & prefer to rattle the keyboard from time to time instead.

The disillusionment, I think you'll find, wears off quicker than you think it will at this moment, nevertheless as you rightly say,it is painful.

Take care, & do think carefully about revealing your identity,as there are elements within EV prepared to stop at nothing to protect Rawat's reputation.

All the best

Pat Dorrity, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.



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