Re: Old Cult Talk...Was it a Vision ?
Re: Re: Old Cult Talk...Was it a Vision ? -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

09/16/2004, 20:07:07
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A gift that had been sold off for cash ?? Very strange but true.

That's interesting. I think I might know where that came from, the original gold that is,but I swore to a good friend never to tell the details,so I won't. Let's say it was a 'windfall' that a few premies turned into objets d'art .........there was a crown too if the source was the same.

I've often wondered how it worked,the process of getting the gift to the Lord & all that. I know a lot about the turning of the raw material into the gift,& believe me gold & special K don't mix on the personal relationship level.

So the little fucker pawned it, well now I know. Thanks.


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