Re: Keeping my Doorstep Clean
Re: Keeping my Doorstep Clean -- Sanford Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

09/16/2004, 11:37:46
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Good to hear from you. I don't know about your so called preaching. Damn,  I must have missed it! but I did get the idea that you had talked about spiritual things and that was O.K. by me because it was a big part of my search too and I feel I now have to reprocess a lot of that stuff in the light of my redicovered freedom of thought......


re: Going over old stuff again and again.It's just that this is pretty new to me. I felt I needed  contact and support and I noticed the archives ( and how to use them ) a while AFTER posting on this site. There's so much to go through and I hadn't seen a lot of it.

I suppose I wanted to try to take the easiest route. I haven't belonged to a forum anywhere before so I didn't really know the rules .I still have so much to learn.

I am grateful to Hilltop and "Guru Maharaji " for all the attachments and links and I'm gradually finding my way around. Please be patient.


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