Ok, listen up. I'm only going to say this one time.
Re: Re: Apologies - Joe's thread deleted in error -- nemesis Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Guru Maharaji ®

09/13/2004, 19:55:24
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Silly Joe was complaining about the 5 Commandments and having to meditate on each and every breath while using his tongue to collect all that sweet nectar that was flowing from his sinus cavities.

And I told Joe that I loved him very much and I would never ask him to do anything that I couldn't do.  I received the most holy of holy Knowledges from my father, Shri Hans, when I was four years old.  I practiced for a two days and became fully realized.  But, did I stop remembering Holy Name just because I was a realized soul?  Nope.  I have remembered every breath and I have tasted every drip of nectar.

Practising this Knowledge is not a chore like old Joe was saying.   No, it is a blessing.


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