I don't pretend to have any inside info but I think Mahatma Gurucharanand was quite sincere when he said he was just the dust on the lotus Feet of Guru Maharaji (the elder or the younger).In his recent book, David Lovejoy says that Gurucharanand was a carpenter before becoming a mahatma. While I know a carpenter who went on to start, build up and head a large and successful private company I don't think Gurucharand had that in him.
Most charismatic cult leaders have to work through a process to become a leader. This usually requires many years of experience in the field (for a significant example look at the elder Rawat's biography) before they can take over a cult at the death of their former leader or when they strike out on their own.
There is a very good reason why nepotism is frowned upon and is illegal in many large institutions. The children of very successful, creative leaders usually do not match the abilities of their parents. Young Rawat does not have the skills or charisma to have started a cult by himself and is not competent enough to have run DLM/EV successfully. One of the reasons I think he sincerely believes has is divine is that he has continued to attempt to run the show by his own ideas no matter how every new attempt at propagation has failed. Of course this is relative failure, he is an outrageous failure if his goal is to bring peace to the world through Rawatism but he is quite successful if his goal is to maximise his returns (financial and emotional) on the minimum energy output and face to face humiliation.
If he didn't believe in himself he might have used those of his followers who are far more intelligent, attractive and charismatic to do the work while maintaining the position of eminence grise.