Re: Was Charanand Maharaji's Col. Tom Parker?
Re: Re: Was Charanand Maharaji's Col. Tom Parker? -- NikW Top of thread Forum
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11/06/2005, 09:36:29
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I think your analysis is correct, Nik, but I am intrigued by your idea that Jagdeo was something more than a toy dog /clown in the courtyard hierarchy begging for scraps from the Master's unfinished fois gras curry.  That Jagdeo cracked the whip, like the school teacher bitch he was, taking over for the fallen Master Cracker Fakiranand, makes me want to perhaps agree that Jagdeo was somehow instrumental in the upholding of the outward religion that was Rawat from '71-83 [see Kisseemmee, FL '78 &-79 as its high point].  I didn't see Jagdeo having that much influence really on  the ashram stranglehold, except as a Nazi Consultant, but really just a suck up to Mishler and Dettmers, as they were the ones who really had the ear of the Lord, not the lowly dust ball, Mahatma Jagdeo with his Ivy League tennis vest over his white dhoti. Barf Bag Please.  How best to beat down the foolish premies and separate them from their money, he'd plot with his new Western Honcho friends, twisting his fingers and palms this way and that.  But, I'm not sold on his position of influence as a ringleader.  Just a barking dog with at half smile, behind which we knew nothing of the horrors of pedophelia.  I think it was you, the UK premies, Glen, the Canadian gopis, and then the USA nerd community coordinators who took over the high and mighty relevance of how to apply religion in the West, puja, order-following, sick blind following.  Jagdeo was a broken one-eyed lion on the side of the mantle at best, me thinks.  What a total turd he was in all cases.  He was THE crack that birthed an earthquake into the sick cult that is Prem Rawat Worhsip.

Modified by OTS at Sun, Nov 06, 2005, 09:55:27

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