Maharaji's insults to the Initiators
Re: Insults -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

11/03/2005, 12:07:54
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I recall that Rawat would make fun and criticize the initiators as a group.  I remember he said they lived on "concept street" and said they only did real service when they were in "a good mood" and stuff like that.

But only certain initiators did he make fun of by name, and I think to them, they were actually flattered, as the Lord was actually recognizing them as a person, giving them attention, even if it was to be made fun of.

I always took at as a kind of play, but it did make me uncomfortable when he singled somebody out to be made fun of.

One of the reasons I think he made fun of the Initiators was to keep them cut down to size.  Certain of them were much more dynamic speakers than Rawat could ever hope to be, and actually had a very charismatic presence.  Bill Patterson and Randy Prouty were probably that way, and even  Joan Apter in her own weird way was kind of charismatic, or at least had a kind of hysterical stage presence.  I think Rawat was jealous of that, and didn't want any competition from total devotion to HIM.  So, I think that's partly why he did it.

I don't think he ever made fun of Jagdeo, however, or at least not that I recall.

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