The person who put that site up was...
Re: New Premie site -- T Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Bunny ®

10/30/2005, 04:07:28
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...the same person that put up premiesreunited - it has Milky's fingerprints all over it. Rose without Thorns is a title he has used before and 'Beloved' with a capital B is sprinkled throughout his devotional offerings.

It is ironic since Maharaji has been a true thorn in Milky's side for most of the last 36 years. For most of that time he has been banished from the court of his beloved Lord. Of course that was just his "Beloved's play" or lila as we would have put it. And in the wilderness of his banishment, he has been free to contruct and worship his own imaginary Lord. It probably helps that his early intimacy with Rawat was before the onset of Lord's worst excesses.

An imaginary Lord will never hurt, abuse or reject you. An imaginary Lord will fully accept, and even appreciate, your devotion in whatever form it takes. Full of love and free from flaws, an imaginary lord is forever perfect. That is how it works for the majority of old premies who are given just the right exposure to their Lord in order to nuture their fantasy, but who never get to see him off-stage. Probably why many of them will not even read EPO.

It is so sad to witness that so many of our fellow 'seekers of truth' have become deniers and avoiders of truth. Still, their reward for years of devotion to an imaginary Lord is assured - after all, ignorance is bliss!


Modified by Bunny at Sun, Oct 30, 2005, 04:18:21

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