Lexy,There was absolutely no "mock or blame" towards premies on my part, only irony and sadness. That was the whole point of saying that they had been systematically denied exposure of the true Rawat! I was caught "hook, line and sinker" for 25 years too.
I would reserve any recriminations entirely towards those that conciously collude in the grand deception and even they could be regarded as victims at some level or other. Even Rawat might be regarded as a victim, albeit a much more weathly one! 
In fact it's not about blame at all as far as I am concerned, but about people making informed choices. For me it's more about exasperation that they are not. We were told for years to "leave no room for doubt" in our minds and that most insidious of all of our Lord's "five commandments" seems to have rooted deeply into the mindsets of old premies.
EPO/the forums have been known about now among most western premies for a long time now and the majority of them use the internet regulary. I still have contact with premies and do know that it is a deliberate decision of many premies not to read the sites.
I was first told about the forum towards the end of '97. The person who told me had just heard an official announcement at satsang about the existence of the forum, how bad it was and how premies should not read it. From what I can gather, many or even most of the premies at that meeting did as they were told and the others just didn't believe what they read.
It was another six months before I read the forum and the archives BTW. And then one night I googled out of curiosity...
forever grateful to all of the ex-premies who put their time and energy into making this information available