Re: more offspring
Re: Re: more offspring -- 13 Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
T ®

10/24/2005, 16:07:09
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"OK. I heard he had a house around Penzance somewhere ..."

Might you be thinking of that Rupert fellow?  There was a guy in the late 70s or early 80s that, after taking K from one of Prem Rawat's authorised representatives ® , took it upon himself to start giving K to people.  I believe he based himself in Penzance at some point.  By all accounts he got a goodly following ending up on a farm in Wales.  At one point he got a visit from Glen Whitaker and Nick Seymour-Jones (aka Nick Seymour-"Light") to try and get Rupert to stop what he was doing.  Dunno what happened to Rupert finally, however I heard that he was brought up on some police charge at some point in time.  (breaking and entering or something like that).

By all accounts Rupert ws a nice guy, somewhat deluded though (like we all were I guess, being members of a cult and all  )



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