Many famous [people were meant to have been a one-time premie, just like Prince Charles is really a Muslim :>)Remember the Judy Collins thingy with her singing 'Amazing Grace' to Rawat at the Albert Hall in the UK?
Also I remember being told that Sri Chimnoy was a devotee of Hansji as well as Nehru(but not Ghandi though!!).
When premies complained to Rawat about the Iskon(Krishnas)_, he was reputed to have said "Leave them alone, they are mine".
Hmm next time I visit London, I shall look up Andrew Cohen and ask him if he was a premie ever.
I do know Belsize Park. I saw the Rolling Stones there('63) in the Country Club that used to be behind the underground station.
Hmmm maybe Mick Jagger is also a closet premie.
Regards Jethro