I could swear that there was a case at some point in the mists of time when some person either took legal action against DLM (or EV) or threatened to take legal action for eye damage. Maybe I'm just imagining things? Do you recall such a story by any chance?
Very vaguely,but at around the time I started reading epo I used to dip at random into the archives of the early forums & found a post from someone who claimed that Rawat 'clarified' the light tek for this reason. This (pressure effects) is a pretty arcane topic of medical research; the only studies which have been done are space prog/military, & are inaccessible to the layman.
I'd be surprised if the relevant scientists were even aware that a large number of people were subjecting themselves to the kind of pressure usually experienced only by military divers etc.
I have glaucoma myself, although it was detected early enough to not have caused any deterioration, & is controllable through medication. It is generally a genetic thing, & as no-one in my immediate family had it, I sometimes wonder if there could be another reason.
That aside, it's clear from the literature that under no circumstances should even the lightest pressure be applied to the eyeballs.
The lols are just fine thanks, how are the bean counters? I'm assuming you are the T I met in London.