I'll say. I never knew the man, but I heard things about his exploits, not only from premies, but from people in that quite small twilit social world around the alternative London/Los Angeles/music business/exotic substance scene as was 30 + yrs ago. So he's still a devotee of the Lord of the Universe it appears, & moreover one who's come out in public finally, despite the characteristic premie double back flip, logic wise.
I want to dance I want to sing I want tell the world that you're here but I feel to keep it to myself.
Nice one Milky.
I don't suppose we'll ever know whether the allegation that one of Rawat's early trips to the USA was financed by persons unknown, sending a table made of hashish with a discreet laquered finish there from London, is true or not.
If this website takes off it will be another nail in Rawat's coffin, & what a delicious irony that is. Talk about hoist by your own petard. The true believers, free at last from the constraints of his dysfunctional ramshackle organisations, can now tell the world again that the Lord is here.
I notice that Gary Girard has signed up from the US.