The planes, affairs, cognac etc are irrelevant (except to those people who are obsessed with planes, affairs, cognac )
Posted by:
Yvon F. ®

10/02/2005, 08:46:13
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Dear rep,

Prem Rawat of Malibu, California, is one of those, none of the least, who are obsessed with planes, affairs, cognac, watches, rewards, adulation, and so on.

I'm pretty sure you do think he deserves them, aren't you ?

I know that because I've been myself a culthead for so long. I must tell you impress me. But don't take pride about it since you don't know from what I'm impressed... Courage for sure and conceit, are the words that comes to my mind. A lot of it. (Good for you that you can pour it somewhere)

I'm happy for you you enjoyed so much the cult gig in Amaroo.
But I should correct one thing : I'm not jealous, at all (and I don't go to the free stuff for the quality brand is not exactly the same, aintit ?)

Be well and please, think.

PS Sorry not to answer much, my internet time is squeezed to the max.

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