Not a religion
Re: Re: On the contrary -- RGJ Top of thread Forum
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10/02/2005, 04:13:24
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That's because they're in a religion where everything has to have some divine reason.

Fortunately I am not in a religion and Maharaji's behaviour is a lot easier to understand.

He's a human being.

Some humans have affairs, some humans do not, some humans drink alchohol, some eat betel nut.

Maharaji's not flying around the world to encourage people to fly planes or have affairs, his object is to tell people that peace is within and that knowledge can help you experience it.

The planes, affairs, cognac etc are irrelevant (except to those people who are obsessed with planes, affairs, cognac )

Get over the idea that Maharaji has to behave like your concept and you'll get a much clearer perspective of Prem Pal Rawat. 


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