Re: I understand the difference
Re: Re: I understand the difference -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
paddy ®

09/14/2005, 02:49:27
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I accept the reality of your past affection for Rawat but as he cared naught for you or even knew of your eixstence there was no relationship. Whie some premies actually know and interact with him and so have relationships the overwhelming majority don't.
Yes you are different to the premies I know. They are still devotees and may remain so until they die.

If it could be proved individually for each leaving premie then sure it would only take a statistically valid sample to convince me (and maybe it is true for many) but only a very small percentage of ex-premies ever post here and it stands to reason that those with the most fear and concern with their leaving end up here.

I stand by my objections to your "the premie does not even recognise that fear is at the heart of their relationship" with Rawat". Non-falsifiable. Non-verifiable. Much like the EV dogma that Knowledge is a purely internal experience that cannot be recognised from without.

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