Re: Prem Rawat's deceitful bait and switch
Re: Prem Rawat's deceitful bait and switch -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
expirant ®

09/13/2005, 13:32:05
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I've listened to a few snippets I've received of Rawat and his dangling carrot talk. He really says absolutely nothing at all. And I bet if you asked him, what the hell he meant, he'd say...'absolutely nothing at all.' So in a sense, he's not wrong...nothing means nothing...yadayadayada...he's got a point there.

"to be alive, what it means to be fulfilled, to walk this earth, to have understood the simplicity of what it is that we have been given, that a breath comes and it comes and it goes and it brings the gift of life every time, every time, and it touches us again and again and again...."

"The breath comes into you, this is your house. Feel it understand it because it brings so much joy. It comes adn it comes and one day it does not come. Life is not about the day it does not come, it's about the days it comes. And it comes again adn it comes again and it comes again, enjoy this existence, enjoy this life"

Each one is the same thing. Nothing. Get up and live your life. Do we really need to be told to do that? Is it not an innate function of ours? Or are we too tuned out by the overload of information and tv that we need some prozac to get us to the point where this pointless man makes sense? Glad I got off this ride before I started to believe in this crap.

Is it me, or have I heard him go on and on about the last breath adn the end of This Life quite a bit. Is he fixated on death or is it a part of his scare the shite out of you routine he uses to keep one ensnared?

Gotta go, gotta catch the next breath.

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