Re: Yes, it's true. I have saved the HTML and your money will go to Maharaji's message
Re: Re: Yes, it's true. I have saved the HTML and your money will go to Maharaji's message -- Brian M Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
13 ®

09/02/2005, 05:06:01
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hmmm, a lot of humble pie being eaten here!

I think you posted your humble pie message at the same time I was posting my apology to Mahamata Babluji.

For those that can't read code, I think I could some up the problem with the code that handles the donations like this:

The only way to tell where the donation is to go is for a human to look through each response to check what was in the comment field of the form. This is lousy coding. If the code was correct (and the money was really intended to be allocated correctly) then the buttons which indicate where the money should go would each have a different value, and you wouldn't needs a person reading the comment that goes with each donation.


The coding is just a human error (we all make them) and will be fixed soon.

No-one cares about the details of the coding, because there is someone there to read the comments of each donation and allocate the money correctly (would be an odd setup)

The money isn't being allocated properly anyway, so perhaps no-one has noticed the code being wrong.

Let's see if the code changes any time soon.

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