Re: Re: Janet -- d Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
bill ®

08/30/2005, 23:59:03
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Great work D.

I agree completely, like science, we can work from certainty to certainty as long as we are on the track of realism in investigating god.

The certainty I see in the god discussion, is the certainty that all are under limits.

Those limits speak volumes.

In ignoreing those limits, we go from uncertainty to uncertainty till we find ourselves with no grounding to make law except opinion. If we all are god, and there is no limits but what we, in our confusion, decide are there, then there is no basis really to decide that anything is bad.

A majority may decide murder is bad, but there is no basis but opinion, and there is no grounding but changable opinion, and that extends to any law, and any societal norm.

You can see that happening right now in society as the culture war rages.

Some claim there is a god with opinions and preferences of his own, and others say, either, there is no god, or even if they say there is, that he is more like a light bulb, and not a factor in opinion debates.                   He is all -love- I suppose.

Not my experience or not what I see I can tell you that! My analysis, is that every dang little thing is weighed, and noted. Wether it impacts you, or is given a pass for whatever reason, is another thing, but, I can only make sense of many things if I view them as really, actually counting.

I choose to respect the system as being like that, and I do believe I see evidence that it is really that way. Not karma mind you, that was a weak guess, that had vast harmful consequences.

I think the lord does not want people climbing all over him analysing him. And hence, we have the scientific world and academics dismissing him as an umprovable nonreality. Amazing!

What a master of keeping us at bay unless we really want him. Even if you claim to be all religious, the devil keeps yanking at you till your grip loosens. If is like the lord is surrounded by a strong wind.

Faith is not a joke. A man can be thrown a rope attached to a ship at sea, and he can still drown. Or spend a lifetime floundering. It is foolish for us to dismiss the rescuer because of  those dealing sloppily with thier ropes.

We might not like the idea that the lord is not some pushover sucker who is stuck in some light bulb like state. Bad analysis is the name of the game here. Or misperception. If you mean the -whos that- question, I suggest you take the science approach you mention, and discover how rational thought is the freind and partner of the person who lays hold of the reality of the lords presence.

And try to see the lord as he is, and not fall into pretense. He is real, you be real. But how? It is a gift, and not a gift from you to you. I feel like typeing :"he is real" over and over.

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