The -whos that- question
Re: Re: Janet -- d Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
bill ®

08/30/2005, 21:41:45
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d you asked =whos that=?

If you ask, ask inside yourself, not that you are asking -you-.

There is no higher -you- in there that is just waiting for you to discover that you are actually god but trapped in your own limited idea of who you really are.

THAT idea, that you are fully part of god and only are waiting for your own self recognition to realize it, is one of the imagined guesses about life that is wrong. Provably wrong.

There is a lord and there is us.

The boundry is there, not waiting for us to climb it, not waiting for us to pretend it isnt there, not waiting for us to open the door by humming a mantra, not waiting for us to behave our way into it, (like the buddha thought, stupidly)

You can dedicate your life, doesnt matter, you cant become god.

rawat and others pretend, but cant save themselves from the self destructions that come from that pretense.

They assume there is no one who can get pissed at them for playing god.

No one besides us other humans.

What is allowed, to what extent, for whatever reasons, is an area we can guess at, and stretch out in those guesses, but to not get lost, we have to first know the ground we stand on.

If we want to stand on the ground of reality, and explore from there, safely, fine.

But, if we dont know the helper and the harmer in our midst, we are lost.

Really lost. And in danger.

Ignorance is not bliss.

The lord is untouched by those things we may object to about those other humans who claim to be his representatives, to be his respectors, to be his whatevers.

I would suggest breaking away from objections to the idea that we have a lord in our midst, and take a fresh approach to see if indeed you are operating in your life with someone who knows you.

rawat sure can crap up the idea that there is a lord.  Hell, he doesnt know shit about life. I reccomend a fresh approach and not be ruined from even looking just because he and his type pretend so stupidly.

Hell, those that claim to know the lord better than me can really, in effect, stand in the way of me and reality.  Because, I certainly dont want whatever god they are claiming ownership over. Claiming representation rights to, claiming, in effect, that I must accept that I must accept THEM, if I am to accept a lord in my midst here.

Those that claim titles in the lords world, make themselves my enemy.

Looking out your eyes, and listening to others, can decieve you into dismissing the freind you carry within. Who is not your creation, who is not imagination, who is not fucked up in ways you dont like, who does exist, and if you want proof, consider, if there was no lord, there would be at least one flawless person. one person who got past the limitations we all are under. The lord is not your creation, so dont bullshit him if you ask him for some help, for some ways for you to start a -not fantasy- relationship. A relationship that will prove itself to you.

A relationship that you yourself will say wether it is based in reality or not.

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