The doctrine of absolute certainty
Posted by:
nya ®

08/25/2005, 01:30:04
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This is the paradigm of the alpha male. It is the alpha male urge that causes more wars on the planet than anything else.

And this is what Rawat was trying to emulate. Absolute certainty. It is the illusion that absolute certainty will give you everything.

However it is an illusion.

The universse does not work that way. It is absolute uncertainty that is freedom. That is the paradox.

Why is Rawatism so dangerous? I feel as we head for even more chaotic times, viz, the vast areas of Siberia melting en masse announced this week. more and more we will have to combat a world where people will be offered absolute certainty by conniving religious zealots, cult leaders, politicians and of course IBM and Microsoft

The conmen are sharpening their knives. As human beings we can refuse to sanction the rhetoric of false certainty and absolutism. Remember, power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are only 70 years from Stalin, Hitler and co, and there are plenty of replacements around the planet. Why are we only wise after the event?

Because we let people strut their stuff without comment. Like Rawat and every other idiot who fancies himself beyond the dictums of community and society values and accountability.

Modified by nya at Thu, Aug 25, 2005, 04:51:24

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