Posted by:
paddy ®

08/14/2005, 15:44:45
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There is much ado about propagation in TPRF publicity material of late with new record figures in the 10s or 100s of thousands being bandied about. (and that sentence must break records for hackneyed cliches as well)

I think all of us will agree that way back in 1978 there were at least 20,000 premies active enough to spend a few days camped out in the Florida swamps with the chiggers(?) and the Pina Colada loving bees. Imagine, for just one moment, if they had gone home and in 1979 convinced only one other person to receive Knowledge through the Grace of Guru Maharaji and the power of Satsang, Service, Meditation and Darshan and that person the next year would show such changes in their life that through the Grace of Guru Maharaji they convinced only one more person to receive Knowledge and the original premie had convinced another person that year as well. And it went on ...

Year Premies
1978 20,000
1979 40,000
1980 80,000
1981 160,000
1982 320,000
1983 640,000
1984 1,280,000
1985 2,560,000
1986 5,120,000
1987 10,240,000
1988 20,480,000
1989 40,960,000
1990 81,920,000
1991 163,840,000
1992 327,680,000
1993 655,360,000
1994 1,310,720,000
1995 2,621,440,000
1996 5,242,880,000

Well the good news for modern man is that the last non-premie succumbed to the bliss back in 1997 and we just think we're "ex-premies".

Oh sure I hear you say, you could hardly expect all 20,000 to actually be sincere premies who would have faith in Guru Maharaji through thick and thin especially since they were so deluded and thought Prem Rawat was saying he was a Divine Incarnation of God and the Lord of the Universe when he didn't mean that at all.

But as we have been told time and time again there was one premie who knew the truth, and JONX went home and in 1979 JONX convinced only one person to receive Knowledge through the Grace of Guru Maharaji and the power of his Inner Peace and that person the next year showed such changes in their life that through some undefined power that Prem Rawat has to teach and inspire and reveal Knowledge they convinced one more (but only one) person to receive Knowledge and JONX had convinced another person that year as well and they continued:

1978 1
1979 2
1980 4
1981 8
1982 16
1983 32
1984 64
1985 128
1986 256
1987 512
1988 1,024
1989 2,048
1990 4,096
1991 8,192
1992 16,384
1993 32,768
1994 65,536
1995 131,072
1996 262,144
1997 524,288
1998 1,048,576
1999 2,097,152
2000 4,194,304
2001 8,388,608
2002 16,777,216
2003 33,554,432
2004 67,108,864
2005 134,217,728
2006 268,435,456
2007 536,870,912
2008 1,073,741,824
2009 2,147,483,648
2010 4,294,967,296
2011 8,589,934,592

Well done JONX. In another 5 years you will single-handely have converted the world just by staying in touch, making major donations and giving Knowledge a chance. You're a legend, Mate!

Modified by paddy at Sun, Aug 14, 2005, 15:47:58

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