Difficult to differentiate completely
Re: Yeah, but what did it have to do with the techniques? -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
hamzen ®

07/21/2005, 14:23:24
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Certainly without the concentration most of my experiences wouldn't have happened, and some of the others that seemingly came from nowhere were probably generated because of the chemical balance in my brain at the time being easily triggered over a level, which was directly related to all the concentration/meditation I was doing at the time.

But I would say the experiences of each of the techniques, and their effects both perceptually and emotionally were very different.

I can also remember at that time testing out concentrating on different parts of my body, in my mind the expanded awareness feelings were there, but the experiences were different again and much less intense. Maybe I didn't practice them enough

Especially during my stronger meditations I could trace chemical change feelings happening in my body. I just saw it as almost a form of bio-feedback, but triggering different chemical effects.

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