Thanks for that story, Danny - I found it hilarious!"Is m addicted to the attention and was his own self image so damaged that he required other's to worship him?"
He is definately addicted to the attention. He cannot function with those who don't worship him. When he wanted extra-marital sex, it had to be with his star-struck gopi's - he wasn't at all interested in Dettmers suggestion that he hire professionals.
In some ways he is very shy - especially when dealing with the world outside knowledge, he appears quite disabled. On the other hand, his privacy is essential to him where he can create and maintain his own fantasy existence.
But when he's in the mood for adoration he can't get enough and absorbs it like a sponge. He seems to feed on the psychic energy of others just as much as their physical energy (work and money). So it must be really freaky for him when premies come to their senses and he loses devotees.