Re: Yeah, but what did it have to do with the techniques?
Re: Yeah, but what did it have to do with the techniques? -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
MickCable ®

07/20/2005, 23:25:10
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Everyone who uses LSD has different experiences, with some common threads.

I use to drop very high doses of LSD around the 1400 mic level, and sit alone in total darkness and silence for several hours.

my heart beat would sound like helicoptor blades, so much in fact that I would open the window from time to time to see if there really was a helicoptor outside.

when I closed my eyes the foggy greenish stuff you see, takes fantastic shape and colors
you see shapes and shifting you could have never imagined before.

sometimes I would lay in the grass, and look at the stars swish and swirll around the night sky, when I listened to music, you could not tell the direction it came from, it was as if it was plugged directly into your brain, and you could feel every emotion of the music as if they were your actual own experiences

I could go on all day about it, some people enjoy going to clubs and watching trails and dancing, I was very introspective with my trips, in total darkness it would take my mind to impossible places.

LSD is in and out of your system in 20 min, but the effects can last 14-16 hours
it puts your mind in a sort of cascade reaction and everything you sense is vastly distorted.

I hoped that with "M" I could learn how to trigger my brain in to that mode without LSD.

From what it sounds like, not even close...


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