Jon, where's your pride?
Re: Re: Answer my post about Arti and Darshan -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

07/17/2005, 18:10:32
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I know you're anonymous and all but surely you must feel some shame and embarrassment as you throw out your empty, pathetic evasions again and again and again.  I said earlier that you don't have the ammunition to stay in the ring and here you've just proved the point -- again. 

Your value here, and it's not insignificant, is as an example of the tortured, ridiculous dissembling that premies must resort to to make any sense of Rawat.  You're like that fool "maybe" who just posted the following on Dave's forum.

Commenting on something Mata Ji once said:

If I told you that my son was the incarnation of God, the Perfect Master, the Perfect Lord, would the universe believe me? 

He writes:
Well, first of all it's his mother saying it but  even then she says "incarnation of God". Why is it that exes cannot understand the difference between an "incarnation of God" and "God"?
This is clown talk, Jon.  Impossible to take seriously.  There's nothing at all respectable about this person's "viewpoint", if you can call it that.  It's just an absurdity.  And guess what?  You're no better!

Modified by Jim at Sun, Jul 17, 2005, 18:10:53

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