So its a discussion you want? Why have you ignored my last comment to you about your perception? You seem to be so anxious to defend m yet have offered not one thing to justify that!
Name one!
And again I re-post part of my last message to you.... Please respond!
You can't be a cult for some and not for others and then claim never to have been one.... except for a few, but not for new people joining, until they get to the point where they 'understand' more and are convinced to take part in the cult aspects of the group, that doesn't exist except for a few. ::::head spinning:::::
Also JONX.....why don't you tell us what is attractive to people today about m? Of course that is ASSUMING that people ARE being attracted! (not talking about in India)
Since PWK's cannot talk about k or m.... and what is being presented is only a highly polished .. scrubbed clean...censored view of m or k, what is the attraction(if any)?