Re: The claims of naivete.. go both ways
Re: The claims of naivete.. go both ways -- NikW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
nya ®

07/02/2005, 12:12:26
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Well put Nik.

John did indeed respond to the serving of the summons in a naive manner, I think his mistake was believing that some thuggy looking private detectives who turned up 3000km from where he lived could not possibly represent the Queensland legal system, or if they did, then his ego told him they were no match for him.

I agree wholeheartedly with Nik that the law should have known better than to let a working journalist be completely stitched up by a cult in what amounts to suppression of free speech and rights.

John's big disadvantage was that he consistently behaved like a victim. He consistently gave his power to the legal system, with a naieve belief that because he had done no wrong the Big Legal Authority would eventually exonerate him.

I remember shouting at him I was so frustrated, trying to get him to accept that he had to direct his legal representation or they would only serve the law, not him.

You see, Queensland has a history of injustice, but there is a strong civil liberties movement. But John was not a Queenslander, and was unable to understand and would not take my advice on how to play the Queensland legal game (get a Queensland solicitor).

So of course I was absolutely flattened by what happened to John, because it happened in my patch of the world, and I could have helped him if he had only listened to what I had to say.

That a cult and a disgustingly wealthy American citizen could play the Queensland system for such a complete ass makes me truly ashamed, but I have since taken Gerry's advice, and seen myself winning a stunning victory over them, complete with ticker tape parade


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