The whole thing is part of the PR campaign that Rawat has apparently spent lots of money on, to try to create an image.
He buys fake, canned, interviews in PR publications;
He hires Burt Wolf to smile and throw softball questions at him to make him look normal tapes it, and tries to get premies to bring people to see it;
He rents halls at prestigious places (Harvard, a UN Building in Thailand) and lets people think he was invited by those institutions to speak there because he is an "expert on peace:"
Premies who work for certain institutions try to facilitate Rawat speaking there and even to get the institution to "invite" Rawat to speak;
He gets premies with vague connections to "UN Associations" to vaguely sponsor some event and/or piggy-back onto a UN event, that somebody like Kofi Annan endorses, and then Rawat uses that as some kind of implied endorsement of him;
They get mayors and governors to issue "proclamations" which they do almost without thinking about, all the time, to almost anyone.
So, I don't think it's nutty, or off the wall, really, it's a campaign that is probably being organized or advized by a PR firm.
There is nothing illegal about it, it's just sleazy, cheap, and one wonders why Rawat feels he needs to go to those lengths to "just offer a simple experience of peace." Strange.