My suspicion is that consists of the Pascottos, Tim Gallwey and a few people with lots of money like Sordoni. That's probably the inner circle. Those are the people who probably have cocktail parties with Rawat, are his neighbors, and consider themselves the premie elite and who disdain the riff-raff, poor, premies.
But when it comes to something like litigation, or copyright attacks, or something like CAC, or anything to do with Rawat's image, or where he is touring, or his schedule, or how the keys, or knowledge, or publications should look, none of that would happen without Rawat's involvement and approval, in my opinion.
I just recall how things happened in the past, and there would be general discussions with Rawat, he might approve a concept, people would put it together and he might approve it (or often) really hate it and it wouldn't happen. But the idea that the President of Elan Vital would do a DMCA attack on an ex-premie site without Rawat knowing about it is just absurd. Of course he knows about it, and if he wanted it stopped, it would, just like if he wanted the CAC websites to stop, they would.