and let me just add
Re: Yes, it is still objectionable, and here is why... -- Mike Finch Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
dant ®

06/20/2005, 05:38:34
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to the extent that this ideology is personally destructive, that it encourages one to engage in an impossilbe battle with one's own mind, to view the world in all it's multifaceted splendour as an illusion and a trick, and to develop a permanent dependence on Prem Rawat as facilitator for one's personal happiness, is this ideology harmful and objectionable.

Comparing that to how much money or time one might have donated, I'd rather be out the money than be in the prison of this world view. And in fact it took me years to get over remnants of this negative Weltanschauung, long after I had nothing more to do with the cult and the money had become unimportant.

For anyone to think that such a negative philosophy is the answer to anyone's problems let alone a solution to world conflict or even have a neutral attitude about it is beyond me.

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