But, isn't it appropriate...
Re: actually.... -- la-ex Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

06/17/2005, 23:13:32
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But, isn't it so appropriate that Maharaji gets a significant portion of his income as a successful investor (another insider joke) from Amtext, which really operates and exists as an opportunistic parasite living off of the hard work of others?

I personally know college professors who absolutely refused to sell complimentary textbooks written by other college professors to people like the Amtext book buyers.  Their opinions were quite strong on this matter.  And college professors are or were a significant source of cheap textbooks that Amtext acquires.  In the college textbook industry the authors of the books, college professors, earn their 'right' to write textbooks through hard work and years of building their reputation.  And then you have the parasitic book buyers for entities like Amtext and the creeps that run Amtext buying books at rock bottom prices that undermine the author's earning abilities on his copyrighted material.

So, isn't is appropriate that a parasite on people's hopes and fears like Maharaji would garner a significant portion of his income from such an enterprise as Amtext?

And how laughable is it that Maharaji is only an eighth grade graduate of St. Joseph's Academy in Dehra Dun where the headmaster told my sister who visited the school that Maharaji was essentially a rich spoiled brat.

Maharaji, now operating with his given name of Prem Rawat, is appearing at college campuses through out the world for the purpose of ensnaring young college students into his destructive personality cult one must really wonder about the state of this world and how absolutely gross and disgusting Guru Maharaji (aka the Lord of the Universe) has become.

And worse, the circumstances of Maharaji's appearance at these colleges is always suspicious, questionable, forced, bought and paid for.  I'm not sure I understand what was going with Miami Dade College and President Padron, who invited Maharaji so warmly and yet only showed up in the wings and stayed for only a moment or two.  Or was Padron even there at all?  What the heck was that all about?  And what does the United Nations have to do with all of this?

It's funny, but in many of Maharaji's classic satsangs, which he completely denies and distinces himself from today, he couldn't say enough to tell us how awful and sick 'this world' was and how he was the only hope for sanity and peace.  Yet, today we see that from  Maharaji's own actions and his deeds that he has become the absolutely epitome of corruption and greed.  And if he could only bottle his personal sickness and sell it he would be the richest man on Earth.

Oh, but he does sell it.  It's called the Keys.

Or wasn't it once called Millennium a long, long time ago?


Modified by Babaluji at Fri, Jun 17, 2005, 23:26:29

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