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Re: Re: TO ALL OF YOU! -- eileen Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
dant ®

06/13/2005, 13:33:11
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Hi Eileen,

I must say, you do continue to amaze me! I have often wanted to reply to one of your posts, but I always get the impression that it is your swan song and you will be flying off to more sunny shores. I also have trouble keeping up with the pace of this forum at times. I thought that this was a very sweet post you wrote though, so I'm taking my chances.

While I'm at it, I want to thank you for that apology a few weeks ago. The ability to say your sorry is such a simple and direct way of taking responsibility, yet it just can't seem to make it across many people's tongues. I did want to get involved in that responsibility discussion, but the topic was so beaten, turned inside out, rolled out, kneaded and boiled in oil, that whatever I could have possibly wanted to say must have been said by someone already.

You know if Malibu Prem would for once just say he is sorry, so much of the bad feelings toward him would melt I believe. But of course, just saying your sorry isn't enough some times. People would expect him to make an effort to redress his errors. If he did really do something to help others with his money, the money that was given to him by his devotees and not earned through his brilliant investment acumen like he pretends, that would go a long way. He would be poorer, but he would finally be the hero he seems so much to want to be. Well it will never happen anyway.

Since I started this I will tell you my opinion. For me personally it is vital for my own well being to take responsibility for the choices I've made in my life, which includes my involvement with Prem Rawat. I know many people who wallow in self pity and this doesn't do them or anyone else any good. Taking responsibility for your own life is part of the process of growing up. And no matter what happens to me, there are so many people in this world who have it much worse that I have to feel grateful for what I have in the end. (It is a pity how Rawat has perverted such an important and beautiful word like gratitude.)

But not everything that happens to you in life you can take responsibility for. Even the successes I've had in my life I can't say are completely the result of my talents or hard work. Alot of it is just luck.

I think of the young naive person, who, maybe looking for love or meaning, becomes a sitting duck for cleverly packaged promises of spiritual rebirth. Like getting struck by lightning, their only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. They close their eyes to join Rip Van Winkle. When they finally open them again 30 years have gone by. My heart goes out to them.

Fond regards,


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