Re: Freedom and fear
Re: Freedom and fear -- Bunny Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Rjchinook ®

06/07/2005, 15:18:04
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I truly understand where your coming from. As rape and subtance abuse survivor no one that has never been raped could truly understand how it feels, or could anyone know the shame, guilt and self-hate a practicing alcoholic and/or drug addict endures. I use to resent so-called addiction counselors who never had a substance abuse problem.  How in the heck could they really help me amd if they really didn't know how it feels? How dare they!    

I decided to go ahead with my petition anyway (link above) because I believe its about understanding and being well-informed and presented both views before embarking on a certain spiritual path.  

In the 70's there were no ex-premie web sites on the  the Internet to research, or negative information (the truth) about PREM RAWAT presented before you took that leap. 

I believe everyone should be given that choice to be truly informed & why not by the CULT itself? If anything it can be used as a educational tool.

My petition allows you to sign anon, & your e-mail address is not displayed to the public.  

It's entirely up to you.




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