God, I shiver in vicarious embarrassment. That coulda been me!
Re: Malaysia May 05 -- Gandhi Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

06/04/2005, 13:32:00
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Malaysia Day 1

May 7th. 2005

Today was the first of a 2-day event in Malaysia.

The morning session opened with a Keys-Day event. It was inspiring to hear Maharaji say, "To know is to be fulfilled; to know you are fulfilled is to know Peace." The evening event was in two parts; a KR and an evening of expressions. Before the KR, Maharaji spoke and one could feel the kindness and caring as he talked about Knowledge and practice. He talked about the make belief world and says that reality bites.

The heart says "no;" it has to be real. Within you are beautiful jewels and the person who will decide if they are real or not are within. Present, then, to the heart that which is real.

"Make the effort to practice and listen to what is being said to you."

Before he started the KR, he said that some people were saying that they did not receive K from him; that it was from a video. He said to us, "Who do you think is in that video?" Everyone, including him, was in laughter.

The evening event was so filled with so many humorous comments from Maharaji that everyone at times was laughing out of control at certain comments. There were instances when he made some profound statements that brought pin-drop silence from the audience.

?Every time you experience this breath, it purifies you? bathe in it?we have been blessed; that is why it is so important to have a Master; he puts your priorities right."

He said that fundamentally we do not change because that place that is pure is always pure. Remove what doesn?t belong; you are pure by nature.

He spoke about there being clouds and the rains are going to come. Don?t try to change the clouds and the seasons. Open the umbrella of Knowledge and do not get wet.

During the expressions, one person said that he was given six months to live due to bone cancer. He thanked Maharaji for his grace and said that whenever death comes, he goes inside and has been cheating death for quite a while. He drew laughter when he said that when he is inside, death is unable to catch him; that he keeps postponing death.

Maharaji commented that there was this lady who kept saying to him that she was dying and year after year after year after year she was telling him this and thanking him for his grace and kindness. He said that it was not after many, many years that she passed away when she became very old. He was laughing and everyone was laughing.

Then he said that those live by the rule of ?NOW? are immortal; those who live for tomorrow, are already dead.

One woman expressed that she was having problems with her husband and children and even attempted to commit suicide but did not because she practiced and changed her mind. He told her, you depended on your husband to give you joy; mistake number one. You depended on your children to bring that joy; mistake number two. You wanted to take your life; mistake number three.

Then he said to her to love your husband and your children and to go inside for that joy.

He told her that that there is a saying, "Women have many faults; men have only two; everything they do and everything they say."

People were laughing hysterically. Even he was unable to squeeze his smile.

Another person said, "I want to be your slave." He replied, "I am trying to free you."

He said to someone who asked if animals can be fulfilled. His answer was, "you are animals."

Check the x-ray; there is a tail at the end of your spine. It gets in the way.

He drew so much laughter from the audience when he told the person who said that his wife had left him. He told Maharaji that he wanted to dance with Maharaji at Holi. Maharaji started laughing and said to him, "I think that you are happy that your wife has left; now you want to dance."

Then he advised him to take care of his child because "You did it. It is your responsibility."

This was the most humorous _expression we ever attended. Hours after, people were still laughing when they remembered what had been said at the event.

It was really a very memorable event filled with profound and touching comments by him and lots that brought laughter and joy to our hearts.

Malaysia Day 2

Mixed with a lot of humor and touching comments both from Maharaji and some of the people who gave their expressions of gratitude, the second day of the event in Malaysia left everyone with love and kindness and more appreciation. It was so wonderful to listen to him and feel the kindness; love and caring that came from him.

He talked a lot about propagation and his plans to reach out to areas out of the cities. He delighted himself and us about his efforts in India which reached 1.2 million people. He talked about the role that young people are playing in the success that is happening in propagation. He did mention how good propagation was happening in Malaysia and the region there, Africa, South America, and India. He expressed how excited he was in doing the events in this region; that in Thailand there were tears in the eyes of people; some said to him, "We need this. We need this."

He touched on practice, service and listening to the Master; one should not be done without the other. He emphasized that so much can happen in the life of someone who does all three. Talked about the keys making this aspect of the preparation clear. He was so excited and passionate when he talked about the Keys.

"It is hard to recognize the Master." He said. He talked about Mira?s master being an Untouchable and she being a queen. One has to "look through the eyes of the heart" to recognize the Master; "lots of people don?t understand Master, especially in the West."

The role of the Master, he said, is caring and reminding.

The next _expression touched the hearts of everyone who applauded when a PWK from Brisbane said that he fell in love with Maharaji before he even thought about asking for Knowledge. Maharaji?s reply was that that is how it used to be; having a relationship with the master and then pursuing Knowledge; ?but the Keys will explain all of that.?

He commented on a self-made man and clenched his teeth humorously and said "there is no such thing as a self-made man." He said that going to the toilet is no easy feat and spent some time explaining that; everyone was laughing so loud and out of control that even Maharaji chuckled during his explanation. He looked so beautiful. It was so lovely to be with him and listening to him play with us and make our hearts dance in appreciation of him.

A premie from India asked him to take care of his health and himself and expressed how much he had done for her and her family. It was so sweet to listen to her: she was expressing from her heart what we felt in our hearts.

Another person said, "My master is my companion." He said, "No. It is much more than that." He really touched our hearts many times during the event.

Melissa from Miami expressed from her heart how much she loved him and how much she was planning to have him come to Knoxville, Tennessee. He expressed to her how much he has always wanted to come but in the USA there was no mechanism for him to go to these places. However, he told her if they cannot get it together, "go ahead and I will come even if he has to get in a car and drive myself there."

"Why only Miami? Why only New York? Why only Los Angeles?

He named a few places in Florida to illustrate what he meant by his going out to smaller communities.

After the expressions event, Maharaji himself invited us to have the opportunity to go through. He looked so elegant when he left the stage. He was looking at everyone with a sweet smile and love in his eyes as he greeted each one of us.

You could pick at this er, stuff, forever.  All the goofy, goofy, goofy overwrought laughing, the maudlin, cliched gooey sentamentalism, the effete fawning.  And then there's all that disgusting wink-wink stuff about who "The Master" really is ....





Who posts for the hell of it (and other reasons, too, of course)

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