Posted by:
Rjchinook ®

06/01/2005, 23:52:15
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I CAN'T believe what I've just done, WHAT ALL YOUR WONDERFUL INFLUENCE HAS DONE TO ME!  I live in a fairly large new apartment complex & I came home from the store and laying outside my front door was a hot pink folded brochure. By the way there is NO soliciting here so I thought it was something from the management.

LOW & BEHOLD the front of the brochure read: ARE YOUR CURIOUS ABOUT YOURSELF?  BIG & bold & YOU MAY HAVE GUESSED IT, on the other side it was L. Ron Hubbard, DIANETICS!  This is so weird in less than TWO weeks I've been solicited by TWO VERY DANGEROUS CULTS!

So, little old me decided to go around MY WHOLE complex & gather up as many as I could. As I was picking them up I noticed one of the two young men who were distributing them. Basically, I ended up behind one of them & I was picking them up right after he'd drop them by each apt. door! I got a real GOOD work out because each building has three floors! I'd gather a hand full & drop them off at my apt. & go back & get more. LOL! MAN, IT FELT SO GOOD! I thought about what I should say if they caught me. I can't express my first response here, but my MORE rational response, I would have told them there was no soliciting here & give them back.

LOL, I just counted & I have 48 of them! WOW, I didn't even know we had a Scientology place here in town, I think its new! I FEEL LIKE GOING DOWN THERE & DROPPING THEM OFF with a BIG smile  But could I get in BIG trouble? 

I'll probably just trash em. What gets me is I do LIVE in a COLLEGE TOWN & over half the residents here are university students! 

What is going on lately? I swear I haven't been approached or really noticed any of this kind of cult stuff out in the open like this in YEARS! 


PS, Because this post is about a different cult, I hope its okay to post it here. Please let me know or delete it if it's wrong . But I just wanted to share this with SOME PEOPLE WHO REALLY CARE        

Modified by Rjchinook at Wed, Jun 01, 2005, 23:56:31

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