Re: Prem Rawat ~ a pic with a quote...
Re: Prem Rawat ~ a pic with a quote... -- Hilltop Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
george ®

05/25/2005, 08:13:28
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- right now your mind is controlling you. Our aim is to control the mind.

Note the cunning use of language.  He firstly polarizes the listener and his/her mind 'your mind is controlling you', creating the space for the notion that something else should be controlling you other than your mind. (And what might that be?). He then cleverly switches the pronoun not to the first person singular (which is what he means) but first person plural, 'our aim...'.  So now it's not him controlling your mind, and it's not you, it's 'us'; not you, but you are implicated in his business of mind control.  But wait - it's now not your mind that is being controlled, it is 'the mind'.  What a very convenient objectification, completely avoiding the unpolitic transparency of 'My aim is to control your mind'.

Having said that I don't believe he was, or is, that clever - it was just pure brutish cunning.

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