Well,...actually Lexy
Re: Search the four corners of this earth..he definitely said it Joe...... -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

04/16/2005, 16:46:20
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The family split up was in 1974, not 1976, and although I recall a quote like that, my recollection is that it didn't occur after 1976.  After 1976 there was a huge sort of fundamentalist, devotional, dark, revivalist period that began that was pretty intense, and it lasted until I left in the cult in 1983, but it was on the wane around the time I left.

And part of the reason that period was so heavy, was that 1976 was a period when things really lightened up, so the contrast was pretty intense, and of course, Rawat laid a lot of guilt on us for what happened in 1976, his position basically was that we had lost our focus.

But whatever was said and when, see my post down below as to how I think it should be taken in context of everything else Rawat was saying, and it's nothing like the spin that Ron Geaves is trying to give to something Rawat said in 1970.

Modified by Joe at Sat, Apr 16, 2005, 16:48:09

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