Slideshow from India -- New helicopter there???...
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

04/16/2005, 07:02:27
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Here's a slideshow from the recent India tour.  It appears Rawat's got a new helicopter there (first and last photos have a helicopter in them). Subtle! click on: "Highlights From Maharaji's Tour in India (slide show)"

Here's the narration of the photos:

"With a new ability to reach more people faster..."

"Maharaji embarked on a new tour of the India subcontinent."

"Record breaking crowds gathered in pin drop-silence, seeking his inspiration and guidance."

"It was a privilege to witness the joy in the exchange between him and the crowds."

In each location, Maharaji presented a long-awaited message of hope:  "Peace is possible."

"In many events, people with knowlege had an opportunity to interact with him, and the response was overwhelming."

"Maharaji took time listening and speaking to many people."

"A new large screen made him visible even for even crowds of over 200,000."

"In one location, more than 200,000 came to hear him.  Throughout the 11 events in the tour, more than 900,000 attended."

"As large as the crowds may become, Maharaji has the unique ability to speak to each individual."

" At the end of the tour,he offered people who had attended the introductory events throughout India to ask him questions..."

 "From a studio new New Delhi, Maharaji interacted via satellite with more than 600,000 people in more than 1,100 locations throughout India."

"Questions from the various locations were read to him by two presenters. For many, it was as if they were seated in the TV studio with him."

(Final photo is the helicopter flying into the sun)

"This tour has just come to its conclusion, and a new tour is about to start...A sun of joy is rising, and it is only a matter of time before it shines fully." 


Modified by Cynthia at Sat, Apr 16, 2005, 07:13:34

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